Noer Consulting

Coaching Behaviors Inventory

Coaching Behaviors Inventory Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Purpose of the Inventory? The Coaching Behaviors Inventory (CBI) was designed to help managers, consultants, and helping professionals assess their coaching strengths and developmental needs. It is a practical, behaviorally based, self-assessment instrument that stimulates hands-on skills development. It has been widely used in over 30 countries and in business, government, not-for profit, and military organizational systems. 

Can the Inventory be Administered On-Line? The CBI comes in two versions: on-line and stand alone print. The on-line version can be completed, scored, reflective questions answered, and printed. The stand alone version is a self-contained workbook. Both versions have identical content and pricing.  


What are the Contents of the Coaching Behaviors Inventory? The inventory is made up of self-assessment questions, information on the applications and dimensions of behaviorally based coaching, a scoring sheet, a chart for graphing individual results, an explanation of the triangle coaching model, and reflective questions designed to facilitate action taking and skill development.


What are the Contents of the Facilitators Guide? The Facilitators Gide contains detailed information on the development of the model, selection of the items, norms, advice on how to use the instrument, a sample Workshop agenda, time line, and visual templates.


What is the Triangle Coaching Model? The CBI is based on the Triangle Coaching Model. This model was developed specifically to provide an operational context for the acquisition of behaviorally anchored coaching skills. The three dimensions of supporting, challenging, and assessing, provide a frame of reference for moving beyond a narrow performance improvement-coaching context. The skills inherent in the model are key to successful organizational intervention, change management, and leadership development.


Who is the Target Audience? The CBI is focused on practical, working professionals who desire to better understand the coaching process and improve their skills. It is also of great value to internal and external consultants, change agents, executive coaches, and organizational development practitioners.


Who can Order Coaching Behaviors Inventories? We recommend that users have a background in training, education, and the behavioral sciences; or have attended a previous workshop utilizing the CBI; or plan on using the instrument under the guidance of someone who meets the first two criteria. We also are available to coach first time or inexperienced users.  


What kind of Applications is it used for? The instrument can be used as the centerpiece of a stand-alone coaching skills development program or as a component in a variety of workshops such as change management, leadership development, consulting skills, and performance management.


How was the Instrument Developed? The conceptual grounding, item generation, rating format, and international norms can be found in the Facilitators Guide which is required for all new users.


How is it Administered and scored? The CBI can be completed and self- scored in less than 30 minutes. This feature makes it extremely flexible and allows it to fit into almost any workshop design.


What Was the Design Criteria? The CBI was designed with the following three objectives:

It focus on skills and behaviors that have been used by successful coaches who have made a difference.

It be behaviorally grounded: based on concrete, observable behaviors, not on abstractions, generalities, and philosophical ideals.

It be easily transferable to the behavioral repertoire and skill base of non-behavioral scientists such as line managers and those trained as engineers and technical professionals.


How to Order. Send us an email at or, simply phone us at 336-617-6465. Specify if you want the on-line or the print version, the number required, and if they are for commercial or non-profit use, Please provide your name, correct mailing address, purchase order number, phone contact, and email address. For on-line orders we will email the required number of individual links. For print orders we will ship the required number of booklets. We ship via FedEx or UPS. You will be invoiced for the CBI price plus actual shipping costs. 

We accept all major credit cards. Contact us regarding direct deposits or for our government DUNS number.